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Spray-N-Grow and Bill’s Perfect Fertilizer

Our gardens over the years using the Spray-N-Grow nutrient system

It is important that we monitor our young plants to ensure the color is good and that they are getting proper nutrients. When the leaves begin to turn a little yellow we know it’s time to give them a good liquid fertilizer to support their growth. We have tried several different fertilizers over the years. The system we’ve had the best results with is the combination of using Spray-N-Grow and Bill’s Perfect Fertilizer.

Spray-N-Grow and Bill's Perfect Fertilizer. We also use a wetting agent to help the nutrients adhere to the leaves

Micronutrients provided in Spray-N-Grow

Spray-N-Grow is not actually a fertilizer but rather a micronutrient complex. This article from the company’s website explains it well. It is like a vitamin supplement for your plants. However, it must be used in conjunction with a fertilizer. Spray-N-Grow is a foliar spray, which “is a method of applying nutrients to plants through its leaves and stems, not its roots” according to this article. The company’s website is a wealth of information. This post breaks down the different nutrients a plant requires to grow and thrive.

Macronutrients provided in Bill’s Perfect Fertilizer

When you look at a fertilizer package, the letters “NPK” stand for nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These are the macronutrients that a plant needs in the largest amounts and the most common in all fertilizers. However, the ratios of these three nutrients vary with different brands. Although Spray-N-Grow can be used with any fertilizer, it works amazingly with Bill’s Perfect Fertilizer. We have used them together for many years and have had fantastic results. No other fertilizers we have tried gives us the results of this combination.

Repeated applications every 1-3 weeks give optimal plant yields

After we put our plants in the ground, we continue to use this combination throughout the growing season. The company recommends using it every 1-3 weeks, with once a week being optimal. Not only does it keep our plants healthy, but also gives us very good yields. It may take a little more work than other fertilizers, but we find it to be worth it to give us the results we have not found with any other products.

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